Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I want:
~Obama to be president because McCain is just not right for this country and Obama is the change that America needs at this point.
~To go back to gymnastics because I have been teaching myself lots of new, awesome tricks and I want to improve my gymnastic skills, first getting my back handspring.
~No more WAR, low economy, poverty, diseases, such and such.
~To be treated like a responsible young adult (15 year old) and not to be told when my freakin' "bedtime" is (what am I, eight?)
~To go to the Methodist and the Quaker church (because I am interested in learning about it) to become a Quaker-Methodist, instead of a Southern Baptist (which is just too conservative for my taste, especially with my current church, which has become boring, and too traditional).
~Did I mention TWILIGHT yet?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

HAHAHAHA! Twilight again? :)