Monday, June 28, 2010

Toy Story 3

I just saw Toy Story 3 tonight!

I'm not giving any spoilers, but it was AMAZING!
It brought back memories from childhood, just like The Lion King!

Those were the days. With REAL, CLASSIC movies, TV shows, and music. Ahh, the 90's.

I seriously almost cried and I laughed a lot. It was so funny!
I loved it!

I highly recommend that whoever reads this goes see the #1 movie in America.........right now!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stonewall Riot.

I recently discovered that today was the 41st anniversary of the Stonewall Riot.
The Stonewall is/was a bar in NYC and they were serving to openly gay, lesbian, bisexual people and apparently that was against the law.
So the police were like, "Boo! Don't do that! That's not right!" Only this was in raid form.
The gay community didn't take this well, so in the early hours of June 27, 1969, they fought back.
It was The Night That Changed The World.
It was the start of the fight for gay rights.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Animal Crossing!

This is an AMAZING video game. I haven't played it in 17 months (it told me that).
It's about this humanoid person who moves to a town (you get to name both the person and the town) where animals live as humans do. They can speak and live in houses and wear clothes.

The town is awesome! There's a dump, a store (that grows throughout the game), a post office, a museum (where you have to donate paintings, fish, bugs, and fossils), a police office/lost and found, and a Wishing Well where you go for festivities. Oh yeah, they have HOLIDAYS! It's amazing!

New Year's: There's a countdown by the lake.
Halloween: You just run around and try not to get tricked unless you have candy. There's even a ghost that comes out.
Thanksgiving: There's a feast with a live turkey (that's on the run).
Toy Day = Christmas
Labor Day, various festivals and a fishing tournament every Sunday during a specific month.

It's all awesome. It's like a little kid/animal version of the Sims (except you don't have needs ;D).

So much has happened since November 2008......

~ I realized I was bisexual and actually fell for another guy.
~ Saw Wicked for the 2nd time.
~ I started my SAYF (Southern Appalachian Young Friends) experience.
~ Won 5 awards at Awards Night (one of with was a medal in Computer Apps)
~ I ended my freshman year with all A's.
~ I realized I was actually gay (and I love it!) ||||||
~ I went to my first Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting & Association.
~ I went to Chicago over the summer (We were on the way there the day MJ died and left the day before the Gay Pride Parade).
~ I started my sophomore year.
~ I turned 16.
~ Won first place in Science at my last JV Challenge (first time I individually placed in three years)
~ Saw New Moon.
~ Got my first iPod on Christmas.

~ My house was broken into.
~ A huge fight happened during one of my dad's games.
~ A huge and completely unnecessary fight happened with my friends.
~ Got my permit finally
~ Went to my first April SAYF retreat and loved it.
~ Started watching Glee.
~ Saw Wicked for the 3rd time (had same Elphaba as the previous time and LOVED her).
~ Performed as Uncle Henry, Oz Guard, and Winkie General in The Wizard of Oz.
~ Won three awards and a recognition at Awards Night (another medal for Health)
~ Found out that Berea College didn't rehire my dad because of who knows why.
~ Finished sophomore year with a 4.0
~ Started cheering and tumbling again (it's already having me plan on NOT doing it my senior year).
~ Cast my first [insert shape here] with my friends Laura and Lekey for the summer solstice. It was really cool and a new experience that will happen again and improve.
~ I also have been talking with friends in the gay community as well. It's been nice. Now I just hope I meet one that I can date. Haha!

Now I'm just living life with a sore shoulder from when I fell on it from doing a back handspring on the trampoline last week.
So yeah! It's been fun.