Saturday, June 26, 2010

So much has happened since November 2008......

~ I realized I was bisexual and actually fell for another guy.
~ Saw Wicked for the 2nd time.
~ I started my SAYF (Southern Appalachian Young Friends) experience.
~ Won 5 awards at Awards Night (one of with was a medal in Computer Apps)
~ I ended my freshman year with all A's.
~ I realized I was actually gay (and I love it!) ||||||
~ I went to my first Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting & Association.
~ I went to Chicago over the summer (We were on the way there the day MJ died and left the day before the Gay Pride Parade).
~ I started my sophomore year.
~ I turned 16.
~ Won first place in Science at my last JV Challenge (first time I individually placed in three years)
~ Saw New Moon.
~ Got my first iPod on Christmas.

~ My house was broken into.
~ A huge fight happened during one of my dad's games.
~ A huge and completely unnecessary fight happened with my friends.
~ Got my permit finally
~ Went to my first April SAYF retreat and loved it.
~ Started watching Glee.
~ Saw Wicked for the 3rd time (had same Elphaba as the previous time and LOVED her).
~ Performed as Uncle Henry, Oz Guard, and Winkie General in The Wizard of Oz.
~ Won three awards and a recognition at Awards Night (another medal for Health)
~ Found out that Berea College didn't rehire my dad because of who knows why.
~ Finished sophomore year with a 4.0
~ Started cheering and tumbling again (it's already having me plan on NOT doing it my senior year).
~ Cast my first [insert shape here] with my friends Laura and Lekey for the summer solstice. It was really cool and a new experience that will happen again and improve.
~ I also have been talking with friends in the gay community as well. It's been nice. Now I just hope I meet one that I can date. Haha!

Now I'm just living life with a sore shoulder from when I fell on it from doing a back handspring on the trampoline last week.
So yeah! It's been fun.

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