Sunday, August 24, 2008

Church and thoughts...

I was sitting in Sunday school think about Christmas. I had a song on my mind that was from It's A Charlie Brown Christmas. I am so excited about Christmas. I love Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year. My mom was right in saying that the best part about Christmas is the 24 days before just waiting for it. Decorations, lights, and Christmas trees. I love it.

I also love Halloween. The whole month of October, except for the 24th. That's when High School Musical 3: Senior Year comes out in theaters. If you ask me, it's not worthy of being in theaters, especially the same one that Twilight is showing at. Halloween is fun and creepy. I love the fact that it's all spooky. I love witches, vampires, and ghosts.

I hate how much publicity High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and the Jonas Brothers are getting. I have to endure the pain of seeing them EVERYWHERE! It's driving me insane. I hate it. There are better, underrated singers out there. I like the actors and actresses of HSM, just not the music.

I don't know what to do about church. I've been raised as a southern Baptist my whole life. I really need a change. I want to be a Methodist or a Quaker, or a Quaker-Methodist. At Silver Creek Baptist, I am the only 14-year-old freshman from Berea Community there. I'm lonely. I have none of my best friends there to hang out with. At Berea Methodist, I have Laura. Taylor and Lekey are Quakers. I don't know what to do. I want a change. I feel that my church is a little too conservative for me. The Methodist church, I feel, is more liberal. Plus, the music is a little bit nicer too. I even have my first-period teacher/academic team coach there. Plus, I just don't have Laura. There's a lot of my peers that go there and some of my brother's friends that he graduated with. I think that when I go to Berea College, I'll go to the Methodist church. It's walking/biking distance from the campus. I've planned this in my head for a while. That's probably what I'll do. It's legal. Everybody has the right to choose their own religion, unlike homosexuality.

Gay people rock! I don't know how they are "sinners". They're just living their lives with the people they love. It's the same as straight people. First attraction, kiss, date, etc. It's all about LOVE. I don't understand how love is as bad as murder. That is the abomination right there. Not homosexuality, but murder. I wish people would see that. They need to rethink a lot.

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