Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today is Hannah's birthday and my neighbor who lives across the street's birthday as well. For my neighbor, me and two of our friends made signs last night, and while they were making pancakes, I put the signs up and we showed them to her. It was fun.
My birthday is in exactly one week.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Today and Fall Break!

Today at school today I had to take two tests, my Honors English test and World Civilizations Unit II exam. Both were easy. The English test was over October Sky. It was basically a higher-levelled thinking version of our study guide with two open responses. It was shorter. Lots to write, but easy.
My World Civ. test was easy, but I bet I missed at least 1 question. I got most right. I just know it. We even had a going-away party for a senior on our academic team who's leaving us. It was fun.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today in Geometry, I took a really easy test. Tomorrow is picture day for high schoolers and first official art club meeting. On Friday, Student Council meeting 3rd period, YAY!, and I have an English test and World Civ test. yay... On A Separate Peace, I'm almost in the 100's. After school Friday, we will have a going-away party for one of our seniors who is moving to Georgetown (where I think he came from) and who's a traitor, so for the next two days we will follow him around and stalk him. We might even follow him home and "help" him unpack since he will be packing, or he might be done. Yeah. PARTY! Hopefully there will be cookies!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Depression of a friend...

I have a friend at school who was very depressed today over an idea to get this guy she really likes, can't stop thinking about, and who keeps either rejecting her (as she said) or going out with someone else (which she thinks about too much and gets really depressed) to hook up with her. I seriously think that she needs to be patient....relationship-wise. We're only freshmen here. She acts like it's almost the end of the world (which it will be in four more years). It's annoying. She needs to enjoy her youth.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More school and yeah....

School is going like it's suppose to, I guess.
I was so happy today. Our class president, who has a bitchy attitude, snaps back at people, who whines and complains all the time about EASY WORK because she's so lazy and retarded, who fights with teachers every chance she gets to, and she's just not a very good president (LIKE I WILL BE NEXT YEAR!) Yeah well, she was gone with the choir to EKU on an all-day trip. I missed my Laura and Taylor and Kaylyn and other people who aren't the freshman class president. LOL!
Today in 1st period, we just reviewed yesterday's work.
2nd period, I relearned how to use Microsoft Excel and I just listened to AccuBroadway radio. It's really cool. The site is www.accuradio.com. There are a lot of genres and sub-genres to choose from.
In 3rd period, we just did stuff. I finished October Sky last night, finally, and we started on a new book for Honors that is okay so far. It's a nice read I guess. I'm only on page 6. I'll probably finish it over the weekend since it's only 194 pages. Then I'll finish this two-book-in-one-volume novel I'm reading called Wicked: Witch and Curse. [Note: It is not the book that inspired the musical.]
In 4th, we went over yesterday's work. I actually waited for cheese sticks at lunch until there was only 10 minutes left. I really wanted cheese sticks. They were the best! We also had hashbrown casserole. It was good.
In 5th, we had an easy quiz, I only missed one question. I mixed Portugal and the Netherlands up. I was at least close. We also did this notes page thing-a-ma-bobber that was actually quite easy. I went over my thesis statement and outline for my paper with my teacher. I was somewhat scared for no fair reason. He thought I was good to go. He helped me. That was a relief.
In 6th, we played out in the sun on the bleachers. They were working on the football field for tomorrow night. They had the sprinklers on. We envied the field.
So, today was a hard day, but it was a usual high school day.
Football game tomorrow night. We'll march to the first two songs and play the third one just standing in a formation. We'll feature the majorettes on the last song like always. I'll go into details tomorrow.
Spoonbread Festival starts tomorrow. My best friends Claire (from Pippa Passes) and Kayla (from Louisville) are coming. YAY! We all went to Kindergarten and first grade together. We are all Twilight lovers. ;D

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is the 21st birthday of Bella Swan (Twilight). Happy birthday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Progress Reports...

We got our progress reports at school yesterday. Here's my grades:
They messed up with the percentages so I recalculated three of them.

Integrated Science = 101/A+
Computer Apps = 96/A
Honors English I = 94/A- = 95.7(96)/A
Geometry = 93/A- = 98/A+
World Civilizations = 94/A- = 98.86(99)/A+
Band = No Scores Posted For This Course.

Monday, September 8, 2008

VMA's and stuff...

I watched the MTV Video Music Awards last night and it was cool. Russell Brand talked about politics and said to vote for Barack Obama! WHOO! He made comments about that 17-year-old teen who had sex and got pregnant and that she was from Alaska. He said wear a condom and be safe and that stuff and made a "slogan" that was pretty hilarious. "Wear a condom or become Republican." I was just like :O. It was kind of shocking that he would say something like that. It was funny. Rihanna performed Disturbia, which was awesome. Britney and it even looked like Lindsay Lohan was put back together and is right in the mind now. Good for them.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Launter, and Cam Gigandet aka the Twilight cast presented Paramore's performance. I wish they had a longer time on camera, but at least they were there. YAY!
Leona Lewis was amazing! T-Pain was okay and fine. His entrance rocked. But Lil Wayne was just a big joke. I really hate rap, but I respect rap artists and all, but he was just a big joke last night. He comes out shirtless, his whole upper body covered in tattoos, and he his pants and belt were down to mid-thigh and 98% of his butt was showing. TALK ABOUT CLASSY! *rolls eyes now* Why do people bother with people like him? UGH!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning writing down words that have significance to me in three different types of Japanese: romaji, Katakana, and Hiragana. My name in romaji is Bureden Keri Misuzu. Here are the pronounciations of the vowels: A = aw, E = eh, I = ee, O = oh, U = Ooh. LOL! I also got Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Academic Team, hippie, green, PLH Brigade, peace, love, happiness, and October. Hehe!
Laura will love this, and so will the rest of the academic team.

Football game, Half-time show, and life...

Our high school football won their game last night (Sept. 5th) and I was in the half-time show playing/marching in the band. We played/marched to "Twist and Shout" and we also played "Can't Buy Me Love" by the most awesomeist hippie band ever: The Beatles. We didn't march to the second song. That was to basically feature our Majorette squad (baton). It was a good night. I was shaking like hell a lot from the nerves, but I still played well and the nerves didn't control me. I only have two more performances for band this football season. I don't know if I'll be in Band next year because I really want to take Spanish I next year and Spanish II my junior year and I also want to take AP Spanish senior year so I can get the Commonwealth Diploma at graduation. I wonder if I can still play pep band and be in Spanish at the same time. Hmmmmm.
Life is good and fair. Tonight's weather was perfect for football and September and Fall in general. Plus, it is possible that I am acing all of my classes. I know I am. I have a 101% in first period, so I am probably the smartest in that class because Chrissy got a 100%, but I may slip up somewhere, so we're still equal I guess and Baldwin's retake test was easier than the first test, so I probably got 29/29 or at least a 27/29, but it's more 29/29. LOL! Today was Club Day at school and I'm actually going to do Student Council. I just need one more signature for my petition. I got 49 in three to six hours. YAY! Academic Team was good today. Our team lost as usual, but I got to be captain because SOMEBODY wasn't paying attention. LOL! Just kidding Laura!
I love my friends. They are the best. Especially when we all have the same interests. Like Twilight and reading in general and being the top of our class (those are just true examples). I use LOL too much. Laugh out loud. Haha! So anyway, it's fun to hang with Laura, Heather, Hannah, Lekey, Jon-Jon, Sebastian, etc.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


School has actually been really easy so far. It's a ton of work, but it's mainly reading, taking notes, homework, and studying. I'll adapt to it. I have to do all of those things for the next three years of high school and four years of college after that. Of course I'll have to do book reports, essays, short stories, research papers, etc. But I can manage. I actually find research papers. very fun. I mean, come on! You get to research WHILE you do the paper. Is that not cool or what? I've had to do a lot of essays and papers on one of my Harry Potter RPG's in the forums and I did excellent. LOL! I'm such a dork! Twilight Rules!