Monday, September 8, 2008

VMA's and stuff...

I watched the MTV Video Music Awards last night and it was cool. Russell Brand talked about politics and said to vote for Barack Obama! WHOO! He made comments about that 17-year-old teen who had sex and got pregnant and that she was from Alaska. He said wear a condom and be safe and that stuff and made a "slogan" that was pretty hilarious. "Wear a condom or become Republican." I was just like :O. It was kind of shocking that he would say something like that. It was funny. Rihanna performed Disturbia, which was awesome. Britney and it even looked like Lindsay Lohan was put back together and is right in the mind now. Good for them.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Launter, and Cam Gigandet aka the Twilight cast presented Paramore's performance. I wish they had a longer time on camera, but at least they were there. YAY!
Leona Lewis was amazing! T-Pain was okay and fine. His entrance rocked. But Lil Wayne was just a big joke. I really hate rap, but I respect rap artists and all, but he was just a big joke last night. He comes out shirtless, his whole upper body covered in tattoos, and he his pants and belt were down to mid-thigh and 98% of his butt was showing. TALK ABOUT CLASSY! *rolls eyes now* Why do people bother with people like him? UGH!

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