Saturday, September 6, 2008

Football game, Half-time show, and life...

Our high school football won their game last night (Sept. 5th) and I was in the half-time show playing/marching in the band. We played/marched to "Twist and Shout" and we also played "Can't Buy Me Love" by the most awesomeist hippie band ever: The Beatles. We didn't march to the second song. That was to basically feature our Majorette squad (baton). It was a good night. I was shaking like hell a lot from the nerves, but I still played well and the nerves didn't control me. I only have two more performances for band this football season. I don't know if I'll be in Band next year because I really want to take Spanish I next year and Spanish II my junior year and I also want to take AP Spanish senior year so I can get the Commonwealth Diploma at graduation. I wonder if I can still play pep band and be in Spanish at the same time. Hmmmmm.
Life is good and fair. Tonight's weather was perfect for football and September and Fall in general. Plus, it is possible that I am acing all of my classes. I know I am. I have a 101% in first period, so I am probably the smartest in that class because Chrissy got a 100%, but I may slip up somewhere, so we're still equal I guess and Baldwin's retake test was easier than the first test, so I probably got 29/29 or at least a 27/29, but it's more 29/29. LOL! Today was Club Day at school and I'm actually going to do Student Council. I just need one more signature for my petition. I got 49 in three to six hours. YAY! Academic Team was good today. Our team lost as usual, but I got to be captain because SOMEBODY wasn't paying attention. LOL! Just kidding Laura!
I love my friends. They are the best. Especially when we all have the same interests. Like Twilight and reading in general and being the top of our class (those are just true examples). I use LOL too much. Laugh out loud. Haha! So anyway, it's fun to hang with Laura, Heather, Hannah, Lekey, Jon-Jon, Sebastian, etc.

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