Thursday, September 18, 2008

More school and yeah....

School is going like it's suppose to, I guess.
I was so happy today. Our class president, who has a bitchy attitude, snaps back at people, who whines and complains all the time about EASY WORK because she's so lazy and retarded, who fights with teachers every chance she gets to, and she's just not a very good president (LIKE I WILL BE NEXT YEAR!) Yeah well, she was gone with the choir to EKU on an all-day trip. I missed my Laura and Taylor and Kaylyn and other people who aren't the freshman class president. LOL!
Today in 1st period, we just reviewed yesterday's work.
2nd period, I relearned how to use Microsoft Excel and I just listened to AccuBroadway radio. It's really cool. The site is There are a lot of genres and sub-genres to choose from.
In 3rd period, we just did stuff. I finished October Sky last night, finally, and we started on a new book for Honors that is okay so far. It's a nice read I guess. I'm only on page 6. I'll probably finish it over the weekend since it's only 194 pages. Then I'll finish this two-book-in-one-volume novel I'm reading called Wicked: Witch and Curse. [Note: It is not the book that inspired the musical.]
In 4th, we went over yesterday's work. I actually waited for cheese sticks at lunch until there was only 10 minutes left. I really wanted cheese sticks. They were the best! We also had hashbrown casserole. It was good.
In 5th, we had an easy quiz, I only missed one question. I mixed Portugal and the Netherlands up. I was at least close. We also did this notes page thing-a-ma-bobber that was actually quite easy. I went over my thesis statement and outline for my paper with my teacher. I was somewhat scared for no fair reason. He thought I was good to go. He helped me. That was a relief.
In 6th, we played out in the sun on the bleachers. They were working on the football field for tomorrow night. They had the sprinklers on. We envied the field.
So, today was a hard day, but it was a usual high school day.
Football game tomorrow night. We'll march to the first two songs and play the third one just standing in a formation. We'll feature the majorettes on the last song like always. I'll go into details tomorrow.
Spoonbread Festival starts tomorrow. My best friends Claire (from Pippa Passes) and Kayla (from Louisville) are coming. YAY! We all went to Kindergarten and first grade together. We are all Twilight lovers. ;D

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